

A Modern Men’s Circle for Men on the Path of Purpose, Wisdom, & Mastery


The world is changing faster than ever. 

Politics, AI, economic uncertainty, and the erosion of the sacred are shaking the foundations of modern life.

For many men, this relentless pace has left them feeling lost, isolated, and lacking clear meaning and purpose.

Today, too many men are struggling in silence—wrestling with depression, anxiety, or a deep sense of disconnection. 

Many men are ready to step beyond confusion.

Ready for clarity, direction, aliveness, and belonging. 

Ready for something real. 

 An Antidote

The Council
is a modern incarnation of the age-old ritual of men gathering around a fire to connect, share wisdom, and better themselves. 

It is a fresh expression of the impulse that led ancient philosophers to gather in Plato’s Academy to sharpen their swords, test their ideas, and refine their being. 🏛️

It is a space where men gather to drop the masks, open their hearts, and get real. 

A space where we gather to explore the knife’s edge of masculine evolution.

A space where we uncover the medicines that can heal our ailing culture. 

A space where we hold one another in the fires of love, forging ourselves into the men of purpose
we truly are.

A space where we discover together what it means to be a man in the 21st century. 

A space where we call you forward.

And challenge you to rise.

 A New Vision of Sovereign Manhood

In The Council, we are not here to force-fit you into a rigid idea of what it means to be a man. 

Instead, we’re creating a space for you to discover who you truly are. 

We believe modern men greatly benefit from healing their inner masculine and embodying more of their masculine edge.

Yet we are also deeply aware that each man is a unique, vast being. As such, we create space for you to explore the full range of your being and find your own balance between tradition and transcendence.

The modern “crisis of masculinity” is an important perspective, yet it’s not the full story. In our information age, men also have unprecedented opportunities to rise like never before.

With a world of wisdom at our fingertips, there has never been a better time for men to evolve, find purpose, and build a more beautiful world.

 The Heart of Our Work

At its core, The Council is a space for deep transformational work within a community of purpose-driven men.

Our weekly gatherings are a place for raw sharing, honest dialogue, and sacred presence.

We support, challenge, and celebrate one another while engaging in exercises that help us integrate, clarify, and break through to new levels.

Through this, we discover the future of healthy, mature masculinity—always leaving space for laughter and camaraderie.

What sets The Council apart is our pioneering approach: grounded in practicality yet rich in spiritual depth—exploratory, playful, initiatory, transcending and including classical visions of men’s work and masculinity.

The Council is designed to attract an inspiring range of leaders, creators, founders, artists, mystics, healers, and purposeful men, forming your personal Council of Wisemen—here to offer guidance and receive yours.

Imagine having a Council of Leaders & Philosophers in your corner.

How would it shape your evolution, your mission, your mastery of life?

Join us and find out.




Alex Owen
Relationship Coach & Space-Holder

“These men and this space have been foundational to my growth over the last 10 months. Challenging me, encouraging expansion, welcoming discomfort & lovingly witnessing it all.

Every man should have the opportunity to regularly be with other men in sacred space!

Jacob Sivyer
Chaplaincy student at Harvard Divinity School

“Being a part of this Brotherhood has transformed who I am as a person. I feel so much stronger, confident, openhearted and most importantly more truly myself.
The Brotherhood embodies an unconditional love that fully accepts you where you are and as you are, but also sees your potential, holds you accountable and pushes you to be the best you can be."

Jacob Kishere
Writer & Founder of SenseSpace

“Jordan’s men’s work has been an indispensable resource in supporting my initiatory process in over 20 months of weekly circles. His work has helped to bring out my masculine fire, my fiscal and creative vision, my connection to sacred ground, my inner child’s play, my lover and my king.”

Alex Vidal
Health Coach & Holistic Plant-Based Chef

“I give so much credit to our magnificent Council of KINGS as a core part of my growth over the last 9 months. Pushing me, encouraging growth, welcoming discomfort and otherwise supporting all of the other work/action I’ve been doing beyond the sessions.

It’s an absolute honour and it’s fucking wonderful.”

What You’ll Find Inside The Council 

  • 🏛️ Live Council Gatherings: The heartbeat of what we do. These are weekly 1.5-hour Zoom sessions where all of us gather regularly to ignite our growth, wisdom, purpose, and thriving.

  • 🤝 24/7 Space to Share: Our private community on Telegram serves as a space where men are always welcome to open up, find support, ask questions, share wins, connect, vibe, and exchange wisdom.

  • ❤️‍🔥 Real Brotherhood: A circle of high-integrity men who have your back and are here to walk the path of purpose together. Real lifelong friendships and alliances are forged here. 

  • 🚀 Mission & Purpose: We’ll create dedicated space and exercises for you to continually clarify and refine your goals as well as your longer-term mission, vision, and purpose. More importantly, we’ll catalyze you to take real action to build your legacy.

  • 🔥 Transformational Potency: We will not only experience many aspects of classical men’s work—a modality that has benefitted millions of men for decades, with roots in ancient times—but we will also draw upon other deep wells of wisdom and activation: Meditation, breathwork, shadow work, inner child work, archetypal work, creativity-unlocking exercises, and much more. 

  • 🦉 Wisdom & Insight: You’ll be surrounded by men of depth who have traversed profound journeys. You’ll be equipped with new tools and understandings to sharpen your leadership, communication, relationships, and spiritual path. 

  • 👊 Accountability: No man rises alone. You’ll be surrounded by men who challenge and support you to step into your power. Our accountability structures and agreements will ensure you stay engaged in the group and committed to your path. 

  • 👁️ A Place to be Seen & Heard: Being witnessed in your raw truth by a group of caring men is a medicine that must be experienced to be fully understood. This is a space where all of you is welcome to step into the light and be held in loving presence. 

THIS IS For You iF…

1. You are a man on a path of purpose, wisdom, and thriving.

2. You want to build greater mastery of life: Physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, relationally,
and spiritually. 

3. You want to elevate your work, projects, or creative endeavors. 

4. You are curious to explore the full spectrum of life, emotion, and your deeper needs. 

5. You want to experience real brotherhood, heal your relationship to masculinity, and feel good being a man.

6. You want to set goals and be in a space of accountability.

7. You can commit to attending weekly meetings and being dedicated to this group.


Men’s work is an epic modality for holistic development, meaning its impact can genuinely ripple into all areas of a man’s life. What you get out of it will reflect what you put in.

Our unique form of men’s work catalyzes you to:

1. Order your life and strengthen your health, finances, and relationships.

2. Clarify your purpose and begin taking tangible steps to live it.

3. Build your kingdom and get real accountability toward specific goals.

4. Develop your character, embody virtuous wisdom, and discover who you truly are. 

5. Become a grounded, solid, reliable man who is comfortable in his manhood.

6. Return to integrated wholeness, trust life, and connect to the sacred.

7. Experience real friendship and brotherhood, healing wounds in relation to men.

8. Ignite creativity, authenticity, and aliveness.

9. Develop your communication and leadership skills.

10. Walk the path of becoming a wise ancestor—in service to women, children, and all of life.




Jordan Bates

Founder & Lead Facilitator

Jordan Bates is co-founder of Apotheosis, founder of The Council, and author of 5 books. A long-time co-steward of HighExistence, Jordan has been a pioneering leader and prolific creator in the space of global transformation for 10+ years. Jordan has studied and trained in a variety of men’s groups for the past 5 years; led his own innovative men’s groups for 3 years; and receives regular mentorship from leaders in the men’s work space. At key junctures, men’s work helped Jordan step into grounded clarity and purpose. He has a deep passion for guiding other men to experience this powerful force. As a loving father & husband, this work takes on ever deeper meaning for Jordan.

NIC stubbs


Nic Stubbs is a transformational breathwork practitioner, plant medicine facilitator, and integration coach. He is the co-founder of the Psychedelic Society of South Africa, a core Apotheosis team member, Kumankaya Healing Centre facilitator and apprentice, and an aspiring psychotherapist. Having navigated his own journey through deep inner work, Nic understands the unique challenges and gifts of the masculine path. With a big heart, a grounded approach, and a deep love for this work, he is devoted to helping every man who steps into this circle find the clarity, strength, and connection they need to embody their true purpose.

Eric brown

Guest Teacher

Eric Brown is the Director of Apotheosis, psychedelic medicine facilitator, and experience designer. For over 6 years he’s created psychedelic therapy programs used by hundreds of thousands of clients, and guided hundreds more through deeply transformative journeys. His work and writing focuses on personal sovereignty, medicine work, cultural evolution, and grounding the sacred in lived experience. Eric has immersed himself deeply in men’s work and found it to be a powerful modality for rising to be the men our world needs: strong, sovereign, grounded, healthy men of purpose, passion, integrity, heart.


This is your moment, brother.

The edge where you either step forward or stay the same.

The world is filled with distractions, numbing comforts, and excuses—but not here.

Here, we call each other higher. We sharpen each other’s steel.

We walk as men with purpose, heart, and fire.

This is your invitation. This is your test.

🔥 Step in. Stand tall. Rise. 🔥

Will you join us?


  • For the launch, we are giving you a one-time opportunity to join for $97/month.

    The doors close on March 25th and won’t re-open for a while, as we want to solidify bonds with the core group. The price will increase for men who join later.

    You’ll be billed $97/month on a monthly subscription starting from the day you join. By joining you make a non-refundable commitment to be part of The Council for at least 2 months—and you commit to show up every week for the live sessions during your tenure. If you must miss a meeting, let us know beforehand.

    This level of commitment is crucial in men’s work—it’s time to “burn the boats,” cut excuses, and commit to something.

    You’ll get the most out of this if you commit to a longer journey of 6-12+ months. Men’s work is a slow roast. True transformation and integration is a long-term process. This circle is designed to be ongoing, supporting men indefinitely into the future.

    We’ve got your back, brother. Let’s do this.

  • The private Telegram community is already buzzing with activity. You’ll be part of that as soon as you join.

    Our weekly live meetings will begin the first week of April.

    Once we know who is in the group, we will endeavor to find a weekly time slot that can work for everyone—either during the week or on weekends. The time slot will likely be in the morning or early afternoon for those in North America and (early) evening in Europe. If you join and we are not able to accommodate your schedule, you’ll receive a full refund.

  • These live online sessions are the heartbeat and core pillar of everything we do. It’s crucial to treat them as a sacred weekly practice. Schedule them and plan other events around them.

    We are building momentum, safety, connection, and depth. Trust takes time to cultivate, and the regular drumbeat of our gatherings becomes a vital force for our evolution.

    True transformation unfolds when you gather with the same group of men—week after week—committed to personal growth and supporting one another. This ongoing commitment creates the perfect environment for uncovering blind spots, stepping into your purpose with greater clarity, and cultivating magnetic presence.

  • We will agree to join ~2+ minutes before meetings from a laptop or desktop computer in a private, distraction-free, silent space, with camera on. You’ll want to be able to get loud and express without fear of being heard, as sometimes we do exercises involving primal expression. Ideally these meetings should not be sandwiched between other activities but have some space before and after to prepare and integrate.

    We will agree to be sober, to not multitask, to be present & real & engaged, to keep other men’s shares confidential, and to show up weekly for the work. Note-taking is okay. If you must miss a meeting you’ll need to let us know beforehand. If you are late for meetings or missing meetings without letting us know, you will be given accountability consequences to fulfill. If you consistently break agreements, you’ll be given warnings—and if the pattern persists—you’ll be asked to leave the group. In our experience, men greatly benefit from this level of structure and accountability.

  • Modern men’s work is a proven group transformation modality that has helped millions of men over the past 40+ years. Its deep roots trace back to the indigenous cultures and warrior societies of ancient times.

    Our lead facilitator, Jordan Bates, has spent the last 5 years immersing in many men’s work spaces and innovating a form of evolutionary men’s work that transcends and includes classical men’s work.

    Think of evolutionary men’s work as a potent combination of group circling, initiation, masterminding, embodied integration, pier-to-pier mentorship, and alchemical badassery—all within a community of purpose-driven men.

  • Cancelling your membership is hassle-free. If you have fulfilled the minimum commitment of spending at least 2 months in the group, you can cancel anytime simply by messaging us on Telegram or emailing us at—we’ll cancel it for you.

  • Yes. We believe men's work should be accessible to everyone who feels called to it. We offer a limited number of scholarships to ensure financial circumstances don't prevent qualified participants from joining our community. If you feel drawn to this work and need help with the monthly costs, we encourage you to email us at and explain why you believe you’re a good candidate for a scholarship.

  • Yes, Apotheosis hosts retreats, and men from The Council will be given first priority and a significant discount on our retreats. Currently our retreats welcome both men and women, though we are considering creating private men’s retreats in the future.