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We love you. 💜

Thank you so much for being present in Mexico and helping to co-create one of the most beautiful healing journeys we have ever experienced. 🌿

Presently we are writing to let you know that…

We are feeling a deep calling to offer sacred one-on-one integration coaching journeys for you.

This is for those of you who know in your hearts that you would benefit from deeper personalized support, as you embark on the epic quest of integrating Apotheosis.

Imagine having a safe, private, intimate space where you can share in the realest way.

A place where one of us is truly there *for you*, holding a space of unconditional Love to the best of our abilities.

A space in which we are asking you questions and offering you reflections that can assist in guiding you to access the deepest wisdom of your own heart.

A space in which you are supported and encouraged to dream and to create a life that resonates with your soul. 🎨

A sacred space you can return to time and time again—to re-center, reconnect, breathe deeply, expand, and awaken—through all of life’s inevitable ebbs and flows. 🧘

A space where you’ll receive highly refined and customized support that is hand-tailored to your unique soul. 

We know in our hearts that this is something that would be of great service to many of you. And so we are excited to be sharing this with you. 

For those who have not experienced a 1:1 space like this, it is hard to overstate how powerful such a space can be in one’s life. It is akin to placing an additional layer of protection, safety, healing, and upliftment over your entire life. 

YOUR apotheosis coaches


Jordan Bates

Co-Founder of Apotheosis & long-time Co-Steward of HighExistence, Jordan Bates is a simple man who loves Divinity, Life, Family, and Truth. He is a space-holder, integration coach, psychedelic facilitator, heart healer, writer, rapper, mystic, philosopher, father, and celebrator of God. For 12 years, he has been on a quest for truth that has taken him to 30+ countries and the far reaches of inner space. His work & creations have reached millions of people. The North Star that guides him is the Unsayable Divinity he has come to know through entheogenic & spiritual work. His highest calling is to be what he truly is, and to be a clear channel for Divine Love & Grace.

Areas of Specialization:

– Creating & Choosing Your Reality

– God-Surrendered Leadership

– Accelerated Paths of Life Mastery

– Mysticism, Heart Healing, Medicine Work

Eric Brown

Eric Brown is the Director of Apotheosis and HighExistence. He lives at the intersection of psychedelic therapy, embodied awakening, cultural architecture, and cryptographically-secure protocols. Deeply interested in zen, liquid democracy, bitcoin, self-mastery, and the Way of Tea. He’s designed psychedelic therapy protocols used in over 500k medicine sessions, and guided hundreds of clients through transformational healing processes. He helps people develop naturalness – an intimate and organic symbiosis with the great river of being. You can find his writing at Serious Play.

Areas of Specialization:

– Psychedelic Therapy & Shadow Integration

– Conscious Entrepreneurship

– Deep Work & Hyper-Productivity

– Zen, Minimalism, & Self-Mastery


Nic Stubbs

Nic is a transformational breathwork practitioner with extensive experience in the space of healing through altered states of consciousness and sacred plant medicine journeys. He is the co-founder of The Psychedelic Society of South Africa and a core member on the HighExistence team. He has a strong intuition and is a palpably safe space for all those around him. His main area of excitement and expertise is in supporting others to connect with their life’s calling, and clearing out anything and everything that stands in the way of it.

Areas of Specialization:

– Finding & Living Your Calling

– Ayahuasca & Psychedelic Integration

– Listening to Your Inner Guidance

– Discovering Ever Deeper Alignment

Ronan Loughney

Ronan is a writer, musician, coach and trainee psychotherapist. He is a core member of the HighExistence team, heading up their content production. His Philosophy is summed up by the quote: “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Do what makes you come alive. Because what the world need is people who have come alive.” This is how he tries to live his life, and he aims to support others in doing the same. Read more about his work at

Areas of Specialization:

– Doing What Makes You Come Alive

– Sacred Space-Holding

– Art & Creative Expression

– Integrity & Living From the Heart



True, lasting ayahuasca & Bufo integration is a deep ongoing process requiring serious focus and dedication.

As such, we recommend a 1:1 integration journey of at least 3 months.

And we strongly encourage you to consider a 6- or 12-month journey.

All integration journeys include weekly or bi-weekly integration sessions via Zoom, as well as an open channel of 1:1 chat- and voice-based support via Telegram.

We prefer that you pay in full up front, though monthly payment plans are possible for a small additional fee (5% extra). Partial scholarships may be possible upon request.

Here are our recommended templates for 1:1 integration journeys:


  • 3-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (6 sessions in total): $300

  • 6-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $600

  • 12-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $1200

3-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $550

  • 6-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $1100

  • 12-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (52 sessions in total): $2200


  • 3-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (6 sessions in total): $300

  • 6-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $600

  • 12-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $1200

  • 3-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $550

  • 6-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $1100

  • 12-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (52 sessions in total): $2200


  • 3-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (6 sessions in total): $950

  • 6-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $1,950

  • 12-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $3,950

  • 3-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $1,900

  • 6-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $3,700

  • 12-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (52 sessions in total): $7,400


  • 3-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (6 sessions in total): $950

  • 6-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $1,950

  • 12-month journey with bi-weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $3,950

  • 3-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (13 sessions in total): $1,900

  • 6-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (26 sessions in total): $3,700

  • 12-month journey with weekly 1-hour sessions (52 sessions in total): $7,400


If you feel a strong calling, it’s also possible to customize a 1:1 journey to create something different from what we’ve mapped out in the templates here. For example, it’s possible to create a shorter journey (e.g. 6 weeks or 3 sessions), or to work with multiple of our coaches in a single journey. Please indicate what you desire when you apply.


“You’re perfect as you are… and you can use a little work.” — Zen Proverb

Apotheosis was an incredible milestone, yet in your Heart and Soul you know it was only the beginning.

Are you ready to take this as far as it can go?

Are you ready to begin the Sacred Work of liberating your life on all levels?

Of transfiguring your entire life into an Artistic Master-Work that reflects your Heart’s Truth?

If so, these 1:1 journeys are designed for you.

This is your clear next step, and we can’t wait to support you.

Simply fill out the application form, and we’ll be in touch soon on Telegram.

With Great Love,
Jordan, Eric, Nic, & Ronan