Let’s grow together. Here are the next steps:

Apotheosis Boundless lives true to its name, an ongoing digital community built aroud integration and growth. There is no limit to how long it will last.

If you want to come for a month, do that. If you want to level up your whole life long, stay on and we’ll grow together.

The cost for Apotheosis Boundless is $250/month. This includes weekly communal calls, a private digital community just for Boundless participants, accountability buddies — and the option for significantly discounted private coaching down the road.

Altogether, this program is designed to help surface, clarify, and embody the lessons that came up during the retreat, and help make this experience as truly life-changing as possible. This is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Our first session begins Sunday, March 16 — 2pm EST.

Will you be joining us?